Animal Control

All Dogs Must Be Licensed Yearly
City Code requires dogs over six months of age to be licensed.  The current cost of a license is $10.00 per dog, or $5.00 if the dog is spayed or neutered.  License are good for one year from the date of purchase.  Evidence of a rabies vaccination is required to obtain a dog license.  Dog Licenseing may be purchased at City Hall, Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.  

Cats are not subject to licensing, but the City does encourage you to have your cat vaccinated for rabies.

Running At Large Prohibited
It is unlawful for any person who owns, harbors or keeps a dog or cat to allow the animal to run at large.  To report an animal running at large, you may contact City Hall during normal business hours at 763-856-4666.  After hours you may contact the Sherburne County Sheriff's Office at 763-765-3500. 

Dogs or cats running loose will be picked up by animal control and impounded at the Monticello Animal Control Facility, 203 Chelsea Rd, Monticello.  You will be required to pay any fees incurred at the facility independent of the the City's impound/at large fees. Impound fees are as follows:

$75.00 For 1st  offense
$100.00 For 2nd offense
$125.00 For 3rd and subsequent offenses
$25.00 At large fee if dog does not have current license

City Ordinance limits the number of dogs per household to two.  The keeping of three or more dogs on the same premises, whether owned by the same person or not, shall constitute a "kennel"; except that  fresh litter of pups may be kept for a period of three months before such keeping shall be deemed to be a "kennel".  No person shall keep or maintain a kennel within the City of Zimmerman. 

Restrictions on Dogs
It shall be unlawful for any animal owner to permit their animal to damage any lawn, garden, or any other property.

No person, owner, or keeper of an animal shall allow such animal to make noise so as to cause annoyance, disturbance or discomfort of any person.