Public Works
Keith Koehler, Public Works Director
Chris Dallager, Public Works Supervisor
Jake Olson, Wastewater Treatment Facility Supervisor
The City Maintenance Department employs nine full-time employees.
Maintenance StaffKarl Anderson
Kyle Cliche
Jon Niebuhr
Jim Plude
John Stangler
Jay Stewart
The Public Works Department provides for the operation and maintenance of the City infrastructure systems. The department services focus in the primary areas as follows:
Public Works Administration
This activity provides for the administrative direction of all works services. Responsibilities include the management of daily operations, department personnel, department budget, inventory and providing the support services to other departments, City Council, Advisory Boards and City Administrator.
Street Maintenance
This activity provides for the maintenance of city streets, including patching, seal coating, mowing of road sides and street sweeping, traffic control signals/signage, cleaning storm ditches, and storm sewers. In addition, street maintenance provides for systematic removal of snow and ice from city streets and contract hauling of snow from the public right-of-way.
Sanitary Sewer/Water System Maintenance
The division provides that all city sewer mains are inspected and cleaned to assure proper operation. The sanitary sewer collection system is comprised of sewer mains, and lift stations which transport waste to the wastewater treatment facility. In addition to sewer mains, maintenance is provided to the water distribution system including hydrants and valves. The division is responsible for locating all underground facilities.
Parks & Ground Maintenance
Grounds maintenance such as lawn care and snow removal are provided for City Hall and the City Parks. This includes planting of trees, flowers, and other plants, maintenance of park equipment, and the installation of new park equipment.
Wastewater Treatment
This division provides for the operation of the wastewater treatment plant which collects and treats all sewage from the collection system. The system involves maintaining treatment units.
Water Supply Distribution
The division provides for the operation of the water system so that a continuous quality supply of water is furnished to customers at a reasonable cost. The water supply is maintained at proper pressure levels and bacteria free. Metering devices are also maintained and read quarterly to account for usage.
Water Hardness
The hardness of the water for the City of Zimmerman is:
4th Ave Water Plant
166 ppm (Parts per Million)
9.7 gr/gal (Grains per Gallon)
6th Ave Water Plant
140 ppm (Parts per Million)
8.2 gr/gal (Grains per Gallon)
Source, Water Laboratories, Inc. Elk River, MN 2/01/21